FIN1089B1: You are the Chief Business Officer at Sustainable Investment Management a hypothetical new Irish-based fund: Introduction to Investment Funds Assignment, UCD, UK

You are the Chief Business Officer at Sustainable Investment Management a hypothetical new Irish-based fund management company focused on sustainable investments.

You are part of SIM’s executive team. You have been asked to prepare the product brief for a new fund that SIM plans to launch. The product brief should include a proposed fund name, the investment proposition, and the fund’s proposed classification under the EU’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation. The executive team has also asked for your advice on the process for getting the fund and FMC authorized with the local regulator and producing the fund’s prospectus.

SIM is committed to considering environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors to the maximum extent when making investments and so this is a key focus for the investment strategy of the new fund and should be featured in the fund’s name. SIM wants the fund to generate above-inflation returns over the medium term and plans to market its fund to retail investors across the EU.

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Reference no: EM132069492

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