Critically review the literature relating to negotiation and conflict resolution in the culture of  PAKISTAN  and CHINA.

Critically review the literature relating to negotiation and conflict resolution in the culture of  PAKISTAN  and CHINA. Relate this literature to your own experience of leading and managing the team, and being led and managed by other team members. 


An individual written assignment of 2500 words.

Question :

Critically review the literature relating to negotiation and conflict resolution in the culture of  PAKISTAN  and CHINA. Relate this literature to your own experience of leading and managing the team, and being led and managed by other team members.


To answer this essay question:

Review the literature and appropriate models of negotiation and conflict resolution using appropriate articles relating to at least three cultures represented in your team
Do this critically by seeing whether the various authors agree or disagree on the challenges and the way to solve them.
Use appropriate cross-cultural models to show the differences between the cultures
Show what specific issues are relevant because of the cultural differences between the cultures.
Relate this to your own experience of working in your multicultural teams. How well does your experience relate to what the models and theories suggest?
DO NOT just offer a re-hash of the lecture PowerPoint – you are expected to look for relevant journal articles yourself, read them and the ones you have been given, and come to conclusions.
Make sure you reference fully and properly


The assignment will be in essay format with full Harvard referencing, reviewing appropriate academic literature critically.  The assignment will be uploaded by the student to Turnitin to check for originality. Use Turnitin to check that there are no issues related to plagiarism, collusion or poor referencing, and make any changes necessary and upload the result.


Marking Criteria( Very Important)

1-To critically evaluate and synthesis theories of cultural difference with reference to their impact -on international management

Highly extensive and outstanding levels of evidence of critical analysis and synthesis of cross-cultural differences of the given natiltural understandings and communications, and its impact on international management – its contexts, concepts, management styles, and practical implications. The presentation exudes professionalism at an executive level with regards to timing, verbal delivery, supporting slides and other visual content.

2-To critically evaluate the applicability of management theory to specific cultural contexts.

The management theories are critically evaluated and synthesized of the existing body of knowledge and literature, related to topics chosen and case study contexts, and relevant national cultures with a very good range of academic sources and other materials. Recommendations presented in the case contexts are outstanding, totally convincing and highly appropriate and professionally presented. The applications of the management theories in the given cultural context and group experience are evident and convincing. The presentation is delivered perfectly by all presenters.


3-To critically examine and select appropriate management styles for specific cultural contexts.

Excellent critical literature review related to topics, management theories on leadership or negotiation and conflicts resolution styles within relevant national cultures with a very good range of academic sources and other material. Excellent critical application of literature to the experience of managing and being managed in a team. Excellent full referencing for all sources used in full Harvard style with no discernible errors. Excellent essay style is written in excellent English in terms of written style, free from errors of grammar, spelling, and punctuation, articulating the appropriate management styles for specific cultural context logically with academic rigor.


Overall, to get good essay marks, you need to:

Demonstrate that you can find and analyze literature as well as use the sources
Offer a critical view of the literature
Offer clear conclusions
Write in good essay style (no bullet points or numbered paragraphs) and reference properly

Reference no: EM132069492

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