OCD: Neurophysiology and Treatments Pick at least five psychology journal articles on the topic. Write a literature review based on these journal articles.

OCD: Neurophysiology and Treatments

Pick at least five psychology journal articles on the topic. Write a literature review based on these journal articles.
A literature review is really just a paper that both summarizes and synthesizes what you found in the articles. What do the articles say? Do they say anything in common about your topic? Do they come to opposite conclusions about
your topic? Maybe they each cover a different facet of your topic that allows you to tell us what the bigger picture is. What is known about your topic? What is still not known about your topic? Rather than Cive separate summaries for each article, write a cohesive paper on your topic that is supported by the information in the articles. Although not usually present in a literature review, on this assignment you may also include personal opinion or experience if you wish. Articles must be from peer-reviewed journals. The articles and your written assignment
should include BOTH brain and behavior. For example, if you choose schizophrenia
as your topic, don’t write a paper that only covers the behavioral symptoms of schizophrenia and the clinical incidence rates in the population. YOU must also include brain/physiology information. What brain areas are affected? What happens
to the neurons? How do treatments affect the neurons and/or neurotransmitters in order to improve symptoms?

Reference no: EM132069492

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