How has the expansion of the streaming services changed the world of content production, programming and TV?What has been the impact of Social Media on the distribution

This is the Media Industry short research paper that you will write and the details are below:

The length should be 2 pages single space.
You can choose 1 of the topics below or another relevant issue in the Media.

How has the expansion of the streaming services changed the world of content production, programming and TV?
What has been the impact of Social Media on the distribution of entertainment and information?
What is Convergence and how will new technologies like Al, VR, ChatGPT, AR/Augmented Reality etc. affect how entertainment and news are produced and distributed?
A topic of your choice

In your paper I want you to look at these areas: a) a brief history of the topic, b) the current state of the topic and c) what is the future of the topic as the industry moves forward?
Cite at least 3 sources using the MLA format.

Reference no: EM132069492

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