BER2013: ALGORITHM DESIGN AND ANALYSIS Assignment, UCSI, Malaysia You are required to produce a comparison study for at least 2 data structure/ algorithm by creating Java console application using modern tools

You are required to produce a comparison study for at least 2 data structures/ algorithm by creating a Java console application using modern tools/software. The project should have the following criteria:

1) have a local database (.txt) that can handle a large collection of data.

2) Two (2) versions of the same application should be created using 2 different data Structures/algorithm

3) data structure/algorithm must be created from scratch

4) Proper comparison, discussion, and analysis should be included in the final report.

 Step  1: Choose your own application and topic.

Step 2: You are required to produce a preliminary proposal which includes the following q

Introduction and background
Proposed Design and

Step 3: Produce the application, compile the code, and include the result, discussion, and algorithm analysis in a report form.

Eg: Assume that you are creating a student record system.

Create a console application that is connected to a local database to do the following functions.

Adding new record
Deleting record
Read all the records from the database
Searching records by using StudentID
Sort Data by TotalScore
Exit the

Create a second version of the same application that applies a similar method but with a DIFFERENT data structure/algorithms. Analyze the code, record the result, and determine which data structure/algorithm that suitable to be used in your particular application.

Step 4: Presentation: All the group members are required to demo/present your system

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Reference no: EM132069492

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