You will design a PowerPoint presentation explaining how your pedagogical stance influences
your classroom design. This presentation must be no more than 10–12 slides. There must be at
least 5 references in addition to the course textbook and the Bible.
You will create a Power Point presentation, correlating your pedagogical stance to components
of your classroom design. Select a method of visually organizing your classroom. Online tools
such as Classroom Architect may be used to create your floorplan.
Summarize your belief statements and support your classroom layout by pointing out where in
your classroom design your beliefs are evident. Justify each classroom element and its
correlation to your beliefs along with evidence of developmentally appropriate practice based on
scholarly sources.
Design a table to describe and defend each area of your design with the following headings: area,
reason for location, why it is important, and details not observed on the diagram. Areas to
consider include: classroom meeting area, classroom library, small group work section, learning
centers, storage, lighting, music, and flooring.
This presentation should be no more than 10–12 slides. Slides should be creative and engaging
demonstrating scholarly writing. Include at least 5 scholarly supporting sources in addition to the
class textbook and the Bible. Review current APA formatting for citations and references.
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