Tasks that newly graduated RNs are expected to know and do.



Open the 2017 RN Practice Analysis document from Unit One in D2L. You are welcome to scan through the entire 185 pages if you would like, but for this discussion, I would direct your attention to pages 22-29 (approximate). These pages list many of the procedures that newly graduated RNs are expected to know and do. In your discussion post, choose at least 5 of these procedures and discuss them with the rest of the class. Are any of them a surprise to you? Why? What is your reaction to this list in general?
Here is the link for the document: https://www.ncsbn.org/public-files/17_RN_US_Canada_Practice_Analysis.pdf
I choose 5 procedures or tasks that are expected to know or performed by newly graduated RN’s out of the lists.  you can choose your 5 Nurse duties  out of  142 lists.
Tasks expected to be performed by newly RN’s
1. Plan and/or participate in community
health education
2. Provide preoperative care
3. Provide postpartum care and education
4. Provide non-pharmacological comfort measures
5. Perform wound care and/or dressing change




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Reference no: EM132069492

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