Wite a 2-3 page analysis of the family tree you created in Week 1 to illustrate the medical issues and health behaviors that have affected your family for at least three generations.
To recap from your family tree activity in Week 1, some common health issues you might consider are:
Cancer: breast, skin, prostate, etc.
Heart disease
Violence (domestic or otherwise)
HIV/AIDS or other STDs
Trauma or injury related to accidents
Pregnancy (you or a partner)
Weight concerns (overweight/obesity or underweight)
Significant increase in stress; chronic or multiple stressors
Problematic substance use
Dysthymia or depression
Anxiety disorders
Eating disorders or disordered eating
Compulsive behaviors
Anger management
Other relevant conditions
In your analysis, consider the following:
What health issues do you and your siblings have? Your parents and their siblings? Your grandparents?
Does anyone know about the health of your great grandparents?
Consider the results of your research and your own behavior patterns. For which health issues do you think you are most at risk? What factors might have influenced this risk? Why?
What type of health-hindering habits and events put you most at risk?
What type of health-enhancing habits and events will reduce your risk?
Which approaches might be most beneficial in reducing your risk?
Your Second Task: Consider what you learned from the family tree analysis—essentially, look for patterns in health issues that have plagued members of the family—and select a target health issue you plan to focus on personally for this project. Develop a brief written summary of the issue.
In the family tree, you’re identifying issues that appear in the health of family members, but keep in mind that not all behaviors equate to chronic health issues. For example, you may identify insomnia as a problem, and you may choose to address the problem through behavior changes in your sleep patterns. While insomnia is not a health problem on the same level as heart disease, it’s clear that a lack of sleep can negatively influence many areas of health.
The behavior you select should be specific, measurable, and attainable.
The post Family Tree Analysis first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.