What do you think criminology can draw from the field of psychology in trying to explain crime and deviance?
According to theories discussed in this chapter, what can people do to prevent being victimized? Do we seem to blame victims who do not seem to do enough to avoid exposure to crime?
Students will be required to post one (1) original response and one (1) supplemental response based on another student’s post by the last Sunday in the module at 11:59 p.m. Students are expected to post a high quality message that are related to the discussion topic.
Original responses are to be at least 250 words in length, in Times New Roman, 12-point font, American Psychological Association (APA) format, which includes in-text and endnote citations as needed.
Supplemental responses are to be at least 100 words in length, in Times New Roman, 12-point font, APA. format.
Here is an informative link to APA (Links to an external site.)
Students can include the following types of information in the reply posts: 1) agreements or disagreements to the person’s observations or 2) additional insights/connections not mentioned in the other student’s submission.
Keep in mind that your discussion forum postings will likely be seen by other members of the course. Care should be taken when determining what to post.