Strategies you might use to ensure success in your program of study


Reflect on strategies you might use to ensure success in your program of study (psych NP) and for completion of your doctorate in nurse practitioner degree requirements. For example, consider time management, organization, prioritization, and any other strategies that might be of considerable use in an academic or professional capacity.

Post a brief description of at least one strategy you have used in the past (academically or professionally) that was advantageous in empowering you in terms of one or more of the following skill sets: planning, time management, studying, and effective technology use. Then identify a strategy that you have not yet tried and explain how this strategy may be beneficial, given your strengths and any potential areas of improvement. Be specific and provide examples.

The post Strategies you might use to ensure success in your program of study first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

Reference no: EM132069492

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