“Boys and Girls”


• Read
o Introduction, pgs 1-13 (in your textbook)
o “Boys and Girls” by Alice Munro (in your textbook)
• Review Presentation: Introduction to Fiction (Discover)
• Review Reading and Writing About Fiction Notes (Discover)
First, review these guides to thesis statements in literary analysis ess:
• From UTA: Libguide on thesis statements https://libguides.uta.edu/literarycriticism/thesis
• LibreText: Thesis statement guide https://human.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Literature_and_Literacy/Writing_and_Critical_Thinking_Through_Literature_(Ringo_and_Kashyap)/12%3A_Writing_About_Literature/12.06%3A_Literary_Thesis_Statements#:~:text=Contributors%20and%20Attributions-,The%20Literary%20Thesis%20Statement,essay’s%20main%20argument%2C%20or%20interpretation.

Then, think about the stories we read in Module 2
Now, consider these questions:
· How does the story define or depict what it means to grow up?
· According to the story, what character trait or life lesson is essential to have in order to be an adult?
Write a thesis statement over the chosen story. Be sure it:
• Is one or two sentences long.
• Meets the criteria for a thesis statement.
• Includes the name of the story’s author and title.

Reading a story and writing about friction in literature

This site explains literary devicesLinks to an external site.

Described by novelist Jonathan Franzen as having “a strong claim to being the best fiction writer now working in North America” and by the committee that awarded her the 2013 Nobel Prize for Literature as a “master of the contemporary short story,” Alice Munro today enjoys an enviably high reputation. That was long in coming and unexpected for a girl raised during the Great Depression and World War II, on a farm in southwestern Ontario—that unglamorous terrain she has since so vividly memorialized in her fiction. She began publishing stories while attending the University of Western Ontario. But when her two-year scholarship ran out, she left the university, married James Munro, and moved first to Vancouver and then to Victoria, where the couple raised three daughters. Though her stories appeared sporadically during the 1950s, it was not until 1968 that then-thirty-eight-year-old Munro published her first book and won the first of multiple Governor General’s Awards, Canada’s highest literary prize. Divorced and remarried, Munro returned to Ontario and began regularly publishing collections including Something I’ve Been Meaning to Tell You (1974), The Progress of Love (1986), Open Secrets (1994), the Booker Prize–winning View.



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