Policy And Advocacy


· Explain how methods to help the poor have changed in contemporary social welfare.

· Explain how these methods have remained the same.

Respond to two colleagues:

· Choose at least one colleague who discussed methods to help the poor that were similar to your post and choose at least one colleague who discussed methods different from your post.

· Describe how your colleague’s method to help the poor could benefit from a change or further benefit from additional change.


· Explain how methods to help the poor have changed in contemporary social welfare.


When 1960 began, the United States had the highest mass standard of living in world history. The American economy was strong and national product was increasing five times. Around this time, American corporations were growing and successful as well. However, there was the other America and culture of poverty on the other side of the coin. There were many relatively invisible poor people who were unskilled workers, migrants, minorities, and others. Fast Forward to 1965, President Johnson’s administration signed the Medicare and Medicaid Act also known as the Social Security Amendments. Medicare made health care more affordable for the elderly population and Medicaid was funded through matching grants with states. It was one of the government’s attempts to reduce the poverty gap and quality of living in the country.


· Explain how these methods have remained the same.

Many of the aspects of Medicaid and Medicare remain the same with the purpose of the program to assist having better quality health benefits to Americans. Medicare is a health insurance program for the elderly and Medicaid is a health insurance program for people with limited income. Both programs reformed itself over the last several decades to include more coverage expansion on people and adjust eligibility.

The post Policy And Advocacy first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

Reference no: EM132069492

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