The Bridge to the Twentieth Century


Is Ornament frivolous or meaningful?

Please answer the following question:
Theo Inglis, a UK-based graphic designer and a freelance writer, wrote “that arguments have long raged [in design history] about whether ornamentation is a frivolous waste of our time and resources or a beautifying presence that makes life richer.”
The time period in the reading started with the Industrial Revolution where technological change was a driving force and people’s lives were altered due to the new inventions. And the Industrial Revolution was sandwiched between the Victorian Era and the Arts and Crafts movement. Based on the reading and video lectures (mine and Sean Adams), answer the following questions:
1. What did ornament represent during this time period (Industrial revolution, Victorian Era, Arts and Crafts)? Be specific
2. Does the use of ornament have any significance in social or class status for the people living during this time period? Explain with specific references to the text and/or videos.
3. Do you think ornament is an essential part of graphic design or is it just decoration with no purpose? Not a one word answer…back up your answers with specific examples of ornament in graphic design from the text.)
4. What is your personal opinion? Is it frivolous or beautifying? And use specific examples (of graphic design) you encounter from your life experience to back up your statements.



The post The Bridge to the Twentieth Century first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

Reference no: EM132069492

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