An integral part of the business plan is to develop a business model.


An integral part of the business plan is to develop a business model. Simply put, a business model describes how a company plans to make money. It is not what you do, but how you will make money doing what you do. A solid business model is the link between venture strategy and financial plans. Projecting the financial performance and requirements can be classified as financial goals of the venture. A venture capitalist will want to know not only the numbers, but how those were derived.

develop both a business model and financial goals for your new venture. develop and submit the following:

Define the business model of your venture company, explaining why it is you have selected this business model as the ideal model for your venture.
Create a five-year revenue projection and illustrate how you have come up with the projected numbers.
Develop a five-year pro forma P&L statement and justify your assumptions within the statement.
Devise a five-year pro forma cash flow statement and justify your assumptions within the statement.
Design a five-year pro forma balance sheet and specify how the balance sheet relates to the other two financial statements in parts (2) and (3).

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Reference no: EM132069492

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