Follow the link to Psychosocial Instruments in Walden’s library and review assessments that might meet the needs of the population served by your field placement: https://acad



Follow the link to Psychosocial Instruments in Walden’s library and review assessments that might meet the needs of the population served by your field placement:

· Please use: APA PsycTESTS & Health and Psychosocial Instruments.

· Enter specific topics you wish to search to identify relevant potential assessment tools.

****Identify an assessment tool that is different each quarter you are in internship.

What assessment tool did you select? Include the name of the assessment and the link of its specific location:

STEP 4: ASSESSMENT TOOL ANALYSIS  __________________ 

Once you have identified this tool, please provide in-depth, thoughtful responses to the following: 

1. Describe the assessment tool that you have selected to implement with your client (s). Include information relevant to accessing the tool, strengths, limitations, and feasibility. 

2. Describe the client/population you have identified will benefit from the assessment tool and their specific clinical needs/areas of concern that the assessment tool will address. 

3. Provide a justification for the application of this assessment tool with your identified client/clients and how you intend to incorporate the assessment tool into the counseling process. 





Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools

100 Washington Avenue South, Suite 900, Minneapolis, MN 55401

College of Social and Behavioral Sciences

School of Counseling

Counseling Masters’ Programs

[email protected]

6682a/6682b aSSESSMENT TOOL ANALYSIS (cmhc & mfc)

Using this template, you will identify an assessment tool that you intend to incorporate into your clinical intervention with at least one client during the quarter. Once you have completed the initial review of your approved site’s scope of practice and provided services, you will identify an assessment tool and a client with whom you have determined the assessment tool to be beneficial. You will submit an analysis of the assessment tool.

STEP 1: PREPARATION ____________________________________


· Hays, D. G. (2013). Use of Assessment in Counseling. In  Assessment in Counseling: A Guide to the Use of Psychological Assessment Procedures (5th ed., pp. 3–24). American Counseling Association.

· Hays, D. G. (2013). Ethical, Legal, and Professional Considerations in Assessment. In  Assessment in Counseling: A Guide to the Use of Psychological Assessment Procedures (5th ed., pp. 25–40). American Counseling Association.


Review your site’s data in the following areas. Based on the data, consider where the site would benefit from incorporating a specific assessment tool that is currently not being utilized.

· Mission statement of the site

Georgia Health Partners LLC believes that children as well as adults should have a home that provides them with a stable environment conducive to their needs. A home that encourages communication amongst members and overcomes the challenges and barriers of society, enabling them to become successful and self-sufficient individuals. It is our belief that each person should be familiar with their mental health needs and understand the steps necessary to break any and all barriers to treatment.

· Demographics/population(s) served.

· Please use: APA PsycTESTS & Health and Psychosocial Instruments.

· Enter specific topics you wish to search to identify relevant potential assessment tools.

****Identify an assessment tool that is different each quarter you are in internship.

What assessment tool did you select? Include the name of the assessment and the link of its specific location:



Once you have identified this tool, please provide in-depth, thoughtful responses to the following:

1. Describe the assessment tool that you have selected to implement with your client (s). Include information relevant to accessing the tool, strengths, limitations, and feasibility.


2. Describe the client/population you have identified will benefit from the assessment tool and their specific clinical needs/areas of concern that the assessment tool will address.


3. Provide a justification for the application of this assessment tool with your identified client/clients and how you intend to incorporate the assessment tool into the counseling process.




Treatment Readiness Assessment Scale

PsycTESTS Citation: Gašević, G. R. (2015). Treatment Readiness Assessment Scale [Database record]. Retrieved from PsycTESTS. doi:

Instrument Type: Inventory/Questionnaire

Test Format: This 30-item measure utilizes a 5-point Likert scale (1 = does not refer to me at all, 5 = completely refers to me).

Source: Gašević, Gabrijela Ratkajec. (2015). The challenges of creating the treatment readiness scale for youths taking part in mandatory psychosocial counseling. Children and Youth Services Review, Vol 54, 8-19. doi:, © 2015 by Elsevier. Reproduced by Permission of Elsevier.

Permissions: Test content may be reproduced and used for non-commercial research and educational purposes without seeking written permission. Distribution must be controlled, meaning only to the participants engaged in the research or enrolled in the educational activity. Any other type of reproduction or distribution of test content is not authorized without written permission from the author and publisher. Always include a credit line that contains the source citation and copyright owner when writing about or using any test.



Appropriateness and timeliness of counseling

I need this counseling in order to make a real change.

I am glad to have someone to help me.

Counseling starts now, just as I need it.

The counselor will help me become motivated to solve my problems.

This is the last chance I have to solve my problems.

I know which change I would like to achieve during counseling.

I am glad I was mandated to take part in counseling.

I like being able to meet new people.

It is important to my parents that I attend counseling.

I like the place where counseling takes place.

I have enough time to come to counseling.

I am prepared to share my problems with others.

If I had been able to choose, I would not have chosen mandatory psychosocial counseling.

I do not need counseling because I have not been committing crimes for a while now.

Emotional perception of counseling

I am ashamed to have to go to counseling.

I do not want others to know that I attend counseling.

My friends will mock me for having to attend counseling.

Counseling is humiliating to me.

I am disturbed by the thought that I am a beneficiary of counseling.

Resistance to counseling

I do not have enough patience for counseling.

I will only attend counseling because they are forcing me to.

Counseling will be too arduous to me.

I will stop coming if they do not show understanding for my problems.

Counseling is not effective.

My other obligations will suffer because of counseling.

I will stop coming if I do not observe change.

I do not like that my progress will be assessed.

Counseling is too demanding for me.

I do not like having to talk about myself in front of others.

If something else is in the way, I will not attend the meeting.

Treatment Readiness Assessment Scale


PsycTESTS™ is a database of the American Psychological Association


Socratic Questioning Scale

PsycTESTS Citation: Braun, J. D., Strunk, D. R., Sasso, K. E., & Cooper, A. A. (2015). Socratic Questioning Scale [Database record]. Retrieved from PsycTESTS. doi:

Instrument Type: Rating Scale

Test Format: This 5-item measure utilizes a 7-point Likert scale (0-6) where higher scores represent greater therapist use.

Source: Braun, Justin D., Strunk, Daniel R., Sasso, Katherine E., & Cooper, Andrew A. (2015). Therapist use of Socratic questioning predicts session-to-session symptom change in cognitive therapy for depression. Behaviour Research and Therapy, Vol 70, 32-37. doi:, © 2015 by Elsevier. Reproduced by Permission of Elsevier.

Permissions: Test content may be reproduced and used for non-commercial research and educational purposes without seeking written permission. Distribution must be controlled, meaning only to the participants engaged in the research or enrolled in the educational activity. Any other type of reproduction or distribution of test content is not authorized without written permission from the author and publisher. Always include a credit line that contains the source citation and copyright owner when writing about or using any test.


How frequently did the therapist ask questions of the client in the service of using (any) cognitive behavioral


0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Not at all Some Considerably Extensively

How frequently did the therapist ask questions of the client in the service of using cognitive strategies focused

on developing alternative perspectives?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Not at all Some Considerably Extensively

When the therapist worked with the client to develop alternative perspectives, was this work focused on key

cognitions (cognitions central to strong emotional reactions)?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Not at all Some Considerably Extensively

When dealing with a specific automatic thought, how many questions did the therapist typically ask?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Very few questions Some Several Many

no A.T.s questions questions questions

Did the therapist ask open-ended questions that require thoughtful reflection (related to developing

alternative responses)?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Not at all Some Considerably Extensively

Socratic Questioning Scale


PsycTESTS™ is a database of the American Psychological Association

Reference no: EM132069492

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