You have been brought in as a consultant by the CEO of Jones Industries.

Personality Case

You have been brought in as a consultant by the CEO of Jones Industries (a company that provides accounting services to medium sized businesses) to review the head of HR?s new plan to improve moral in the organization (as the CEO is not certain if the new plan is a good idea).  You are expected to explain why it is correct or not, and then suggest a plan to either implement it, or implement a plan based on your own beliefs. 

The low moral is due to infighting between employees.  The arguments range from work product, to planning of the office party for the last holiday. 

The head of HR went to a personality seminar where they reviewed the below documents:


The head of HR has decided that he will have all employees take a personality test, and have them work in groups, based on those personality traits.  He believes that will solve the majority of the issues. 

As you are an expert in inter-office disputes, the CEO wants to know if the plan proposed by the head of HR is a good idea, and what should be done.  He wants this information in the next two hours.*

*Note:  As the CEO wants the information in 2 hours (although, obviously, you have until the assignment is due to turn in your memo), you are not expected to do any sort of advanced research (aside from reading the links above, and being aware of the personality material in the chapter(s) covered).  Likewise, no citations are needed.  Furthermore, as you are given no additional information about the situation (i.e., employee disagreements), your ?plan? will be viewed in such a light.

You are to write a 1+ page, formal memo (the text needs to go onto the second page, even if it is a single word) addressing this situation.  The memo should be single spaced, with a full space between paragraphs (like this document).

The post You have been brought in as a consultant by the CEO of Jones Industries. first appeared on My Writers.

Reference no: EM132069492

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