Specialty Engineering


Specialty Engineering: Discuss specialty engineering that must be performed for the product. (Specialty engineering is the engineering that is done to implement the
“ilities” discussed earlier in the course).
Also, identify the processes that will ensure that the specialty engineering will be done.
At a minimum, include reliability, maintainability, safety, and security.
• System Deployment: Discuss the following
• Site preparation: Identify and discuss the processes that will make sure that site preparation for the system’s deployment are identified and completed.
• System installation: Identify and discuss the processes that will ensure that the system installation tasks are identified and completed.
• System checkout
o User training: Identify and discuss the user training processes.
• Support engineer training:
Identify and discuss training processes for the support engineers.
• Product Support:
• Maintenance: Identify and discuss system maintenance processes.
• Logistics support: Identify and discuss logistics processes. These are the processes associated with obtaining spare parts for the system.
This is usually handled by logistics specialists.
• Disposal: Identify and discuss disposal processes.


The post Specialty Engineering first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

Reference no: EM132069492

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