Sensory experiences are real-life experiences that we witness and partake in everyday life. Sensory experiences are the sorts of experiences we have when we see, hear, touch, smell, o


Sensory experiences are real-life experiences that we witness and partake in everyday life. Sensory experiences are the sorts of experiences we have when we see, hear, touch, smell, or taste something. They provide topics both for the theory of knowledge and the philosophy of mind. Are sensory experiences to be believed why or why not? I believe that every belief is up to your own ideals but I do feel that sensory experiences are to be believed as well due to the fact that it is based on actually seeing hearing and feeling that has happened in real time. Do we actually have any reason(s) to believe that our sensory experiences are ‘as they seem’? If the answer is ‘no’ what does this mean? I do believe that sensory experiences to be true as they are based off of the reality that we have actually experienced. We can base an experience on things we have witnessed and heard and create beliefs off of the experience this, way of creating beliefs is used often more than you would think as we create almost all of our experiences and memories through sight hearing touch, and taste the 5 senses are responsible for helping us create all of our experiences we have. On the other hand, I can see how a sensory experience can be exaggerated by someone else who has seen the occurrence causing the belief to not be as reliable as it can be but for the most part, this type of thinking is one of the easiest ways we can create beliefs. 

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Reference no: EM132069492

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