ICT233: The dataset in question provides a rich overview of Housing and Development Board (HDB) flat transactions in Singapore: Data Programming Assignment, SUSS

The dataset in question provides a rich overview of Housing and Development Board (HDB) flat transactions in Singapore. Derived from the national database managed by Singapore’s open data initiative.

The data captured includes vital information such as the resale price, flat type, address, lease commencement date, and floor area, among other details. These elements allow for robust analysis on a multitude of aspects such as price trends and geographical price disparities.

Additionally, this dataset provides an invaluable resource for understanding the evolution of Singapore’s public housing landscape, the preferences of the populace, and market dynamics over time. As such, it is an essential tool for policymakers, real estate professionals, urban planners, and researchers studying Singapore’s unique public housing model.

By addressing the given tasks, you will gain data analysis competencies, including data reprocessing and manipulation, fundamental for preparing and managing datasets. Additionally, you’ll enhance your ability to comprehend data relationships through the practice of creating data visualizations and executing correlation analysis.

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Reference no: EM132069492

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