How economies grow, and what commodities, like bananas, humans demand


1) How did economies grow, and what commodities, like bananas, did
humans demand? What were the fuels and energies used, and what was
the impact of crops and transportation on the natural world?
2) What were the costs and consequences of economic and population?
How did human life differ in the 20th century compared to before? What
changes occurred in transport, including for commodities like bananas?
3) How do patterns and outcomes of human activities extend far beyond
their specific location where commodities are consumed? What were the
specific impacts in the people who produced crops like bananas?
4) What were some of the costs that arrived alongside expansions in certain
standards of living, like the availability of bananas? Look up the term
“negative externality” online. Who, or what, paid for the negative
externalities of the late 19th and early 20th centuries?
5) What were the major impacts on the land and natural world that
occurred with the expansion of demand for bananas? How does this
relate to larger patters of humans becoming one of the most important
agents of ecological change?

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Reference no: EM132069492

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