Terrific job on this week’s discussion! You described the role of the IRB very well and noted all the important things they do to make sure the research being done is ethical, safe, and


Terrific job on this week’s discussion! You described the role of the IRB very well and noted all the important things they do to make sure the research being done is ethical, safe, and accurate. Also, I feel if the IRB had been around for decades, then studies like Little Albert, Stanford Prison Experiment, etc. would have had chances to show more accurate information from their studies. How did you feel when you watched the Little Albert video? I agree that cases like the MMR vaccine and autism study create harmful real-world consequences because they create unwanted fear and damage the reputation of the scientific community.



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What role does the Institutional Review Board (IRB) play in research and why is it important? 

The IRB’s pivotal role is to ensure that studies with human participants adhere to ethical and safety standards, safeguarding subjects’ rights and well-being. IRBs review research proposals, assessing factors like informed consent and potential risks, weighing ethical and legal aspects to prevent harm or exploitation. By doing so, they promote ethical research practices and maintain public trust in scientific endeavors. IRB approval is a critical step for researchers before conducting human-related studies, upholding research integrity and protecting participants’ welfare (Grady, 2015).

Watch this video on Watson and Rayner’s “Little Albert” experiment. What ethical issues does this raise?  

The “Baby Albert” experiment conducted by John B. Watson and Rosalie Rayner raises several ethical issues, including informed consent, potential psychological harm, and a lack of debriefing or follow-up. One major concern is the lack of informed consent, as Little Albert, being an infant, could not provide consent himself, and his mother may not have fully understood the experiment’s potential psychological impact. Additionally, the experiment caused significant distress to the child, potentially inflicting long-term psychological harm without his or his mother’s understanding or consent (Harris, 2011). Moreover, the researchers failed to debrief Little Albert or conduct any follow-up studies to assess the lasting effects of their conditioning on the child, which is ethically problematic, as participants in psychological research should be made aware of the nature and purpose of the study and provided with post-study support and evaluation.

What might have been the response of the IRB if Watson and Rayner had submitted this research for review? 

If Watson and Rayner had submitted the “Baby Albert” experiment for review by an Institutional Review Board (IRB), it’s likely that the IRB would have raised significant ethical concerns. The primary concern would be the well-being and informed consent of the infant participant, as infants cannot provide consent themselves. The experiment’s potential for causing emotional distress and lasting psychological harm to Little Albert would have been a major issue. Furthermore, the lack of a debriefing and follow-up to assess any long-term effects would be considered ethically problematic. The IRB would probably have demanded that the researchers establish a clear plan for obtaining informed consent from the child’s guardian, ensure minimal harm and distress, and implement thorough debriefing and follow-up procedures. However, it’s important to note that the experiment, even with modifications, may not have met today’s ethical standards and might not have been approved.

What role does an IRB have when it comes to research fraud? Why should we be concerned with research fraud? Refer to these two famous examples of research fraud in your response. 

In the realm of research fraud, Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) play a crucial role in promoting research integrity. IRBs are responsible for reviewing and monitoring research proposals, ensuring that ethical standards are upheld, and protecting the rights and well-being of research participants (Kim, 2012). Research fraud, as seen in the infamous cases like the MMR vaccine and autism study, erodes public trust and can have harmful real-world consequences. The fraudulent publication of research findings can lead to unwarranted public fear, reduced vaccination rates, and public health risks. Therefore, we should be deeply concerned with research fraud as it can compromise scientific credibility, harm public health, and damage the reputation of the scientific community. IRBs, through their oversight and scrutiny, help mitigate the potential for research fraud and ensure that research is conducted with integrity and transparency.


Grady, C. (2015). Institutional review boards: Purpose and challenges.  Chest,  148(5), 1148-1155.

Harris, B. (2011). Letting go of Little Albert: Disciplinary memory, history, and the uses of myth.  Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences,  47(1), 1-17.

Kim, W. O. (2012). Institutional review board (IRB) and ethical issues in clinical research.  Korean journal of anesthesiology,  62(1), 3-12.

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Reference no: EM132069492

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