Equality, diversity, and inclusion are essential for delivering high-quality care and support: health and social care Assignment, OU, UK

Task 1
(i) Equality, diversity, and inclusion are essential for delivering high-quality care and support. Discuss. [30 marks]
(ii) Explain Legislation, Policies, Procedures, and Codes of Practice in relation to equality, diversity, and inclusion. [20 marks]

Task 2 Discuss how the health and social care practitioner contributes to inclusive practice. [50 marks]

Task 3
(i) Elaborate on ‘discrimination’ relevant to equality, diversity and inclusion. [15 marks]
(ii) Write on the different approaches to challenge discrimination within healthcare settings. [30 marks]

Task 4 Health and social care practitioners have their own values, beliefs and experiences that will form part of who they are, and may therefore affect how they carry out their job roles.

Explain how the following can influence delivery of care: (i) Self-awareness (ii) Acknowledging belief systems, attitudes and behaviours (iii) Influence of factors on own belief system, attitudes and behaviours (iv) Professional versus personal (v) Respect and value diversity [50 marks] ………………………………….. I need a writer to complete my assignments.

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