The perspective of a family member of the deceased Charlene Murphey.




Write a 5-paragraph persuasive essay from the perspective of a family member of the deceased Charlene Murphey.
Read p. 10 in your APA Manual for explanations of persuasive and expository essays
Your topic and instructions for approaching this draft are described below:
Medication mistakes are the third most common mistake in nursing practice (berxi, 2022). A recent high-profile case was the RaDonda Vaught trial.
Read these 2 brief articles for an overview of the case:
As a nurse faces prison for a deadly error, her colleagues worry: Could I be next?
Listen to her hearing testimony (3:44) in front of her State Board of Nursing
Why nurses are raging after quitting after the RaDonda Vaught verdict
Then answer these preparatory questions:
Was there regulation involved (if yes, by whom)?
Was there litigation involved (if yes, by whom)?
Find a 2023 National Patient Safety Goal for hospitals that addresses this general topic (list the goal) :
Which regulatory agency publishes the National Patient Safety Goals?
Each student has been randomly assigned a role (perspective) to write this paper from based on class groups- please see N211 teams for role assignment
A: family of the deceased patient
B: family of the nurse (RaDonda Vaught)
C: nursing organization (American Nurses Association)
D: hospital administrator (at the Tennessee hospital involved)
C. Take a stand on this trial outcome (from your assigned perspective): do you think justice was served or not? Explain your position, citing legal and ethical issues. Aim to incorporate terminology from class. Stay focused on being concise, this is a brief essay, not a big research paper (you are not intended to research this case further, nor the reactions to it from various parties). We will add in a research component in the next writing lab when we introduct the concepts of evidence and technology & informatics.
D. Write your draft using this structure:
First paragraph: introduction (gain reader’s attention, provide brief background, state your position/thesis)
Second paragraph: has a strong topic sentence identifying one point to support your thesis with at least 1 example to support your position – address legal issue(s)
Third paragraph: repeat of above with second point- address ethical issue(s)
Fourth paragraph: repeat of above with third point- address perceived impact on nursing as a profession
Suggestion: if you need more structure/guidance for writing your paragraphs, use the CER model (within each body paragraph):
Claim (first sentence states your claim for the paragraph)
Evidence (next sentence or two supports your claim with evidence)
Reasoning (final sentence or two explains how that evidence supports your claim)
Fifth paragraph: conclusion (does not present new information, clearly and poignantly restates the thesis, highlights the 3 main points, concludes with a statement linking it to a larger scope/context)
E. Use supporting evidence to back your claims/position. Cite each of the following sources at least once (that means you will have these 3 sources in your references):
One of the 2 articles about the story listed above
ANA’s Nursing Code of Ethics
One of the following textbooks: Perry & Potter’s Fundamentals of Nursing (see box 23.4, common sources of negligence) or Giddens’ Concepts for Nursing Practice


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Reference no: EM132069492

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