Ethical Issue Briefing

Analyze an ethical issue in the Criminal Justice System of your choice and to educate fellow classmates on their topic. To review all parts of briefing assignment, go to: Major Course Assignments: Interview and Briefing Assignment Information or see attached.

PART 2 – Due in Module 5 – Paper Outline on Ethical Issue Briefing


Once you have chosen your topic and received instructor approval, you will research your topic and submit a one page outline of at least 3 peer-reviewed academic journal articles you will use. This will be due in module 5.

Other sources such as academic books, .gov sites such as and are allowed and you may also use articles from major/reputable newspapers and government reports. However, you must have at least 3 peer-reviewed journal articles for this outline and for the final paper submission briefing.

Following approval of sources, you will begin writing your analysis/briefing over your chosen topic.

Include these main headings in your outline based on your chosen issue and three to five bullet points per each heading:

Capture your readers interest by including a supporting example of why this topic matters.
Provide a policy and why you selected this.
Explain your topic to the reader as if they know nothing about the topic.
Describe the Issue
Describe the topic chosen.
Include history.
Give details.
Research Evidence
Provide research evidence on the topic chosen using your three sources of evidence.
Discuss implications of topic chosen.
Describe the possible impact that your researched solutions propose
Provide evidence-based solutions on the topic chosen.

The post Ethical Issue Briefing first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

Reference no: EM132069492

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