Reflection, and interpersonal skills to engage diverse clients and constituencies effectively.


1. Give a brief description of how you will use empathy, reflection, and interpersonal skills to engage diverse clients and constituencies effectively.
2. What is the client’s (or family’s) primary mental health issue(s)?
What is/are your DSM 5 diagnoses?
3. What are the differential diagnoses/rule outs?
4. How did you arrive at this conclusion? Consider the DSM criteria, symptoms, and the client’s environmental concerns that might affect a diagnosis?
5. What other information is needed to make an accurate diagnosis?
6. How do you apply your knowledge of human behavior and the social environment, person-in-environment, and other multidisciplinary theoretical frameworks in the analysis of assessment data from clients in constructing a diagnosis?
7. What specific skills and knowledge are required for the social worker to intervene effectively in this scenario?
8. What other persons or services should be involved to support your interventions and those of the team?
9. Are there any legal/ethical considerations?
10. Assess and address values & biases regarding disabilities
11. Does cultural or familial context play a role?
12. Would you consult with other team members? If so, who?
13. Summary: Critical Thinking: (Please include in the summary)
• Apart from DSM criteria, do you consider the case to represent a “serious psychiatric condition,” or perhaps something else?


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Reference no: EM132069492

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