Analyze the questions below considering the assigned readings and other resources you find. Being able to clearly articulate your thoughts and ideas is almost as critical as the depth of those thoughts and ideas. At this stage in your education, you have had ample opportunity to practice your writing skills; therefore, the expectation is that this doc

You should by now have reviewed all the resources listed or provided on the Week 1 Learning Resources page.
Analyze the questions below considering the assigned readings and other resources you find.
Being able to clearly articulate your thoughts and ideas is almost as critical as the depth of those thoughts and ideas. At this stage in your education, you have had ample opportunity to practice your writing skills; therefore, the expectation is that this document will be professionally written and meet the standards of APA formatting.

Health care reform in this country has been debated for years. Attempts at change, for example, the Affordable Care Act of 2010, had some success and some serious problems. The political and economic issues of access, cost, and quality need to be balanced against the ethical/moral, socio-cultural, and legal issues connected to the rights of people and humanity within a civilized society. What role do nurses play in helping to achieve that balance?

Part 1:
Present and Discuss Questions
Identify the current law which defines and drives healthcare coverage in the US? (For example, is it still the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or has something new been passed by Congress?) and using the literature for support, what is your opinion of the current law. (Cite and reference)
Describe at least three ways in which the current health care law does or does not match elements of the ANA’s Principles for Health System Transformation 2016. (Cite and reference)
Select a current health care reform being discussed (Example: Improve or delete ACA, Medicare for All) and discuss if the reform should be supported or opposed by nurses. (Cite and reference)

Reference no: EM132069492

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