In this assessment, you will build a web application for a fitness gym. Here are the business requirements for the fitness gym. 1. The gym offers fitness classes. Customers can book a class and pay. 2. The price of a single class is $25. 3. The fitness gym offers a monthly membership plan. Users who sign-up for the monthly plan are charged a f

Assignment Task

Academic Integrity

Permitted activities: Usage of Internet to search for syntax only; usage of course materials.

Not permitted:

  • Communication with others (both inside and outside the class)
  • Discussion of solution or approaches with others; sharing/using a “reference” from someone
  • Searching the internet for full or partial solutions
  • Sharing of resources, including links, computers, accounts

Problem Description

In this assessment, you will build a web application for a fitness gym. Here are the business requirements for the fitness gym.

1. The gym offers fitness classes. Customers can book a class and pay.

2. The price of a single class is $25.

3. The fitness gym offers a monthly membership plan. Users who sign-up for the monthly plan are charged a flat rate for classes of $75. Users who do not signup for the monthly plan must pay for each class individually

User Interface

The user interface of the website consists of these pages;.

1. Schedule of classes page → displays a list of classes and enables user to book a class

2. Cart page → a checkout page that displays the user’s shopping cart and checkout information

3. Login page → user can create an account or login using this page

Server Side

The server side of the application consists of all the logic to:

1. Define endpoints and manage the request-response cycle from a client

2. Interact with a MongoDb database

3. Control access to endpoints using authorization. Note the following access control rules:

Page Access
Schedule Page All users can view, but only logged in users can book a class
Cart Page Only logged in users can view this page.
Login Page Any user can view – no login required


MongoDB Database

The database must have the following collections. Ensure you follow this database design:

1. Users collection:

  • Every user has a username and password

2. Classes collection: Stores the classes offered by the gym

  • Every class has an image name, class name, length.

3. Payments collection: The payments made by the website’s customers.

  • Every payment has a username and total amount paid.

4. Cart collection: Stores the items in the currently logged in user’s cart

  • Every document must have the username and id of the corresponding class


Reference no: EM132069492

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