Last week we saw a TED talk by Guy Kawaski on Enchantment

Last week we saw a TED talk by Guy Kawaski on Enchantment. In one area of his talk, he covered some great tips on effectively using presentations. This week we’ll look at another presentation, this time by Vanessa Van Edwards.


Did you ever wonder why some TED talks go viral? Or why do some seem to be better than others? Are communication signals contagious? Vanessa Van Edwards reveals some fascinating insights in this area. Take note of how she describes the use of hands and gestures that we use as conversation starters (and killers as well).


Think about some hints offered the next time you engage with others. After the video and during this week, I’d really like each of you to incorporate some of her ideas into your daily life and see if there are any changes. These can be practical exercises in Human Relations.


Questions to answer in this week’s discussion.


1. What was the most enlightening part of the talk? What stood out to you?


2. Have you ever done any conversation killers she discussed?


3. What specific actions would you take to utilize some of her recommendations?


4. What were some of your observations if you changed anything about yourself this week based on her talk?


Video Link


Make sure your answers utilize applicable course material, concepts, and terminology.

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