Analyze the intersectionality of attributes

You have been investigating the unintended negative consequences and effects, both local


and global, of a particular state or federal policy on a given population. Now, drawing on


your readings and discussions, youmust draft a proposed change to address those




Reflect carefully on the global context and diversity attributes of the populations


impacted and provide a rationale for change that stakeholders will support. To engage


cross-system stakeholders, youmust determine their positions on the existing policy and


on your proposed change. Youmust also establish a process for evaluating the


effectiveness of the change.




Using your chosen state or federal policy, list the steps necessary to bring about a change


in this policy for the benefit of your client population. Be sure to clearly identify the


current policy and attach a copy of it as an appendix. To avoid unintended consequences,


begin by considering the diversity of your client population and identify pertinent social


justice issues.


In a 5 page paper, complete the following:


● Analyze the intersectionality of attributes, including:


○ Policy analysis for unintended consequences to impacted population


based on diversity attributes and global context.


○ A discussion of the specific steps necessary to avoid a negative


impact on the vulnerable, including a rationale for your


recommended changes to the policy, referencing the literature.


● Identify local, regional and, possibly, federal stakeholders. Examine their stakes


in the change (whether for or against) and describe one strategy per


stakeholder group for engaging them to support your proposed change.


● Describe how youwould evaluate the effectiveness of your change on each


level: micro, mezzo, andmacro.


Additional Requirements ● Follow current edition APA style and format throughout, including title and


reference pages (not included in page count).


● Include 5 properly cited references from current, scholarly sources.


● Font: Times NewRoman, 12 points.

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Reference no: EM132069492

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