Organizations Serving Vulnerable Populations

Respond to the following prompts. Include personal and practice-related experiences or observations as examples that support your response.
1. Explore an organization that serves a vulnerable population.
• Select a reputable local or regional organization that serves at least one vulnerable population.
• Learn about the organization through information readily available (for example, a website or brochure) and/or a brief phone interview with an employee of the organization.
• Find out how a member of the vulnerable population would access the services of this organization, what services are available, what health issues are addressed, how the services are financed, the hours of operation (if applicable), who is employed by the organization (for example, public health nurses, social workers, psychologists, chaplains, community health workers), and so on.
2. Post an informational profile that identifies the organization and describes the organization’s impact on the health of this population. Include information about how a member of the vulnerable population would access the services of this organization, what services are available, what health issues are addressed, how the services are financed, the hours of operation (if applicable), who is employed by the organization (for example, public health nurses, social workers, psychologists, chaplains, community health workers), and so on.

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Reference no: EM132069492

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