High-risk situations, both external (e.g., people, places, and things) and internal (e.g., problematic mood states). Dysfunctional beliefs about drugs, oneself, and about one’s relationsh

High-risk situations, both external (e.g., people, places, and things) and internal (e.g., problematic mood states).
Dysfunctional beliefs about drugs, oneself, and about one’s “relationship” with drugs.
Automatic thoughts that increase arousal and the intention to drink and/or use.
Physiological cravings and urges to use alcohol and other drugs.
“Permission-giving beliefs” that patients hold to “justify” their drug use.
Rituals and general behavioral strategies linked to the using of substances.
Adverse psychological reactions to a lapse or relapse that lead to a vicious cycle.

Give a 1-2 sentence example of each of the 7 factors listed above, that could contribute to a person’s relapse. How would you work with your clients to help them work through these factors? 

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Reference no: EM132069492

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