Assessment 3 Information
Subject Code:MBA623Subject Name:Healthcare ManagementAssessment TitleTechnology AnalysisAssessment Type: Length:Individual video recording 10 minutes maximumWeighting:30%Total Marks: Submission:100 OnlineDue Date:Week 13
Your task
Individually, you are required to record a 10-minute webinar discussing My Health Record’s role in
Australia’s national e-health informatics system.
Assessment Description
In this individual assessment, you will critically analyse the opportunities and challenges of Australia’s My Health Record, which is a centralised online repository of documents and data relating to a person’s health and health care and is accessible to the health care consumer and their nominated health care providers.
Assessment Instructions
Students will critically analyse Australia’s My Health Record, taking into account the role electronic management and storage of health information plays in the world of big data and cybersecurity.
The webinar should include the following aspects, both spoken and on your accompanying slides.
Ensure your video is on and your camera is positioned to capture your face.
Title Slide: Webinar title, student name, subject code, etc.
Overview: Explain how My Health Record works and the key drivers of such e-health platforms in healthcare.
Stakeholder Analysis: Identify the benefits and outcomes to the key stakeholders of My Health Record to help organisations deliver higher quality care more efficiently.
Artificial Intelligence: Discuss the role of Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) in My Health Record.
Risk Analysis: Conduct a risk analysis in line with the challenges of My Health Record, taking into account big data and cybersecurity for an organisation.
Ethics: Discuss the clinical governance ethical issues that arise with My Health Record and provide some suggestions on how they can be better managed.
References: Slide to contain your reference list. Leave this slide visible at the end of your presentation for at least 10 seconds so the grader can adequately pause and review it.
Student ID slide: A form of photo identification with your name and photo visible for academic integrity. All other details, such as address, can be blurred out.
You must use at least seven (7) sources of information. These may include websites, industry reports, census data, journal articles, government policies and frameworks, and newspaper articles. These references should be presented as in-text citations and a reference list at the end of your slide deck (not included in the word limit). Wikipedia and other ‘popular’ sites are not to be used.
Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence
The assessment tasks in this subject require you to demonstrate your learning, and while the use of generative artificial intelligence is not prohibited at Kaplan Business School, it is important to understand that information generated by GenAI tools, such as ChatGPT, Copilot, and DALL-E, may be unreliable, inaccurate, and incorrect.
Therefore, you must ensure you use these tools cautiously and only as an aiding tool to help you find relevant sources of information or form an understanding of a concept or theory. In doing so, you must acknowledge GenAI use via appropriate in-text citation and referencing. Use of GenAI tools that extend beyond this will be considered a breach of academic conduct, as per KBS’s Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy.
Assessment Submission
Students are encouraged to submit their work well before the deadline to avoid technical difficulties. For students with limited experience in video-making techniques and submission, it is recommended to read the ‘Help with Kaltura video upload’ resource available to you under the assessments tab in MyKBS.
Late assignment submission penalties
Penalties will be imposed on late assignment submissions in accordance with Table 1 unless approval in advance has been granted.
For more information, please read the full policy by visiting the following site:
Academic Integrity Policy
KBS values academic integrity. All students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy.
What is academic integrity and misconduct?
What are the penalties for academic misconduct?
What are the late penalties?
How can I appeal my grade?
Length Limits for Assessments
Penalties may be applied for assessment submissions that exceed prescribed limits.
Study Assistance
Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Learning Advisor or refer to the resources on the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page.
MBA623 Assessment 3 Marking Rubric – Technology Analysis Webinar 30%
Marking Criteria ( /100)F (Fail)P (Pass)C (Credit)D (Distinction)HD (High Distinction)0 – 34%35 – 49%50 – 64% 65 – 74% 75 – 84% 85 -100%My Health Records overview /10 marksYou presented a vague overview of My Health Records by demonstrating a limited ability to search for relevant information online and using it to support your video delivery.You presented a limited overview of My Health Records by demonstrating a developing ability to search for relevant information online and using it to support your video delivery.You have presented a basic overview of My Health Records, demonstrating an adequate ability to search for relevant information online and use it to support your video delivery.You have presented an enhanced overview of My Health Records by demonstrating a sufficient ability to search for relevant information online and using it to support your video delivery.You have presented a detailed overview of My Health Records by demonstrating a proficient ability to search for the required information online and use it to support your video delivery.You have presented an excellent overview of My Health Records. You have presented an excellent overview of My Health Records by demonstrating the ability to search for the required information online and use it to support your video delivery. Stakeholder Analysis /20 marksYou listed general stakeholders, demonstrating a limited ability to identify direct and indirect stakeholders associated with My Health Records.You identified some relevant stakeholders, demonstrating a developing ability to identify direct and indirect stakeholders associated with My Health Records.You identified some relevant stakeholders, demonstrating an adequate ability to determine direct and indirect stakeholders associated with My Health Records.You identified mostly relevant stakeholders, demonstrating a sufficient ability to determine direct and indirect stakeholders associated with My Health Records.You identified all relevant stakeholders, demonstrating a proficient ability to determineproficiency in determining direct and indirect stakeholders associated with My Health Records.You identified all relevant stakeholders, demonstrating an excellent ability to determine direct and indirect stakeholders associated with My Health Records. Risk Analysis /20 marksYou provided a generic risk analysis that was unclear and supported by limited or no rationale.You provided a generic risk analysis that was supported by a vague rationale.You provided a somewhat detailed risk analysis supported by an adequate rationale.You provided a detailed risk analysis supported by an adequate rationale.You provided a thought-out risk analysis that is supported by a comprehensive rationale.You provided a well-thought-out risk analysis supported by an excellent rationale. Artificial Intelligence /15 marksThe role of CDSS in My Health Record is poorly discussed.The role of CDSS in My Health Record is discussed at a limited level.The role of CDSS in My Health Record is particularly discussed.The role of CDSS in My Health Record is well discussed and validated with supporting evidence.The role of CDSS in My Health Record is critically discussed and validated with comprehensive supporting evidence.The role of CDSS in My Health Record is expertly discussed and validated with expert supporting evidence. Ethical Issues /15 marksYou did not attempt to list relevant clinical governance ethical issues and provided no resolutions.You attempted to list relevant clinical governance ethical issues and provided developing resolutions.You analysed relevant clinical governance ethical issues and provided appropriate resolutions.You detailed the relevant clinical governance ethical issues and provided detailed resolutions.You comprehensively analysed the relevant clinical governance ethical issues and provided comprehensive resolutions.You expertly analysed relevant clinical governance ethical issues and provided sophisticated and justified resolutions. Webinar Presentation and Slide Quality /20 marksYou demonstrate limited skills to engage and transmit knowledge to the audience with limited visual aids.You demonstrate developing skills to engage and transmit knowledge to the audience with some visual aids.Your webinar offers engagement value by transmitting the knowledge adequately to the intended audience with appropriate visual aids.Your webinar offers good engagement value by transmitting the knowledge adequately to the intended audience with appropriate visual aids.Your webinar offers high engagement value by transmitting the knowledge adequately to the intended audience with creative visual aids.Your webinar offers excellent engagement value by transmitting the knowledge adequately to the intended audience with creative and appropriate visual aids. Feedback and grades will be released via MyKBS.
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