What did the authors study? How did they study it? What did they find? Step #2: Organize your articles on the Literature Review Chart (see attached) – submit this as an attachment as part of this assignment.

This is the link for the reference of a literature review handout provided by the professor. https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/literature-review

As we learn more about what a literature review and what it is not, we will begin writing our own literature review to use in the final project.
Step #1: Read the scholarly articles assigned in the module. Be able to summarize each article using the 3 questions: What did the authors study? How did they study it? What did they find?
Step #2: Organize your articles on the Literature Review Chart (see attached) – submit this as an attachment as part of this assignment.
Step #3: Begin thinking about how the articles share some similarities and how they differ. Respond to the following in your submission this week:
Which article seems to be the most appropriate for the final project? In other words, which is the most relevant to helping us answer our reserach question? Why did you choose this article?
If you were to organize the main findings of these articles by ‘those that support RML’ and ‘those that do NOT support RML’ – which findings would go in each category?
This is worth 10 points (chart and responses to Step #3)
Applied Assignment #6

Reference no: EM132069492

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