For the following activity, you will download the SPSS dataset, answer the questions, and submit two documents in Canvas, your SPSS data output and a Word document. Part I: SPSS Output Download the following dataset: PA3dataset.sav The dataset includes exam scores from an undergraduate statistics class. Mrs. T

For the following activity, you will download the SPSS dataset, answer the questions, and submit two documents in Canvas, your SPSS data output and a Word document. Part I: SPSS Output Download the following dataset: PA3dataset.sav The dataset includes exam scores from an undergraduate statistics class. Mrs. Teachwell taught her class online in 2020 and face-to-face in 2021. She wants to determine if the teaching format (online vs. face-to-face) made a difference in the statistics test scores for exam 1 (the same test was administered to two different classes of students). The dataset includes scores from her 2020 virtual class and her 2021 face-to-face class. You are interested in whether there was a difference in class test scores between students in the 2020 online class and those in the 2021 face-to-face class. There are three variables in the dataset: STATSTEST: raw score on first 100-point examGENDER: self-reported gender, where 1 = female and 2 = maleCLASS: year of the class, where 1 = 2020 and 2 = 2021Using SPSS, compute the following: Compute descriptive statistics (central tendency and dispersion) of mean, median, mode, and standard deviation for STATSTEST.Compute percentages for GENDER.Analyze the variable STATSTEST within the two classes (CLASS) for outliers and normality.Using an alpha = .05, run an independent t-test using CLASS as the grouping variable. Part II: Written Results In a 1-2-page paper using APA formatting, describe your results by identifying the following: Describe the independent and dependent variables.State the null hypothesis.Describe your results for the analysis of outliers and normality. Explain if you have homogeneity of variance and how you determined that finding.Describe your results of the independent t-test. Did one group score significantly higher than the other?Describe at least one limitation and one conclusion you can draw from the results.Create appropriate tables using APA 7 to display this data.

Reference no: EM132069492

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