What are the motives of China Fire’s management and Bain Capital for a buyout? for this assignment you are encouraged to be as creative as you think appropriate with your documentation. After reviewing the case study and the China Fire exhibits spreadsheet, create a concise executive

What are the motives of China Fire’s management and Bain Capital for a buyout?
for this assignment you are encouraged to be as creative as you think appropriate with your documentation.
After reviewing the case study and the China Fire exhibits spreadsheet, create a concise executive summary that includes a valuation model and your analysis to address the following:

1-For each valuation method, propose a range of values (per share).
2-Report the ranges side-by-side on a ‘football field’.
3-Based on this analysis, would you recommend accepting the offer?

I will upload rubric that you can follow , also I will share DELL sample on how the presentation should look like

Reference no: EM132069492

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