For the past six weeks, you have completed journal entries and engaged in discussion reflecting on the complexities of homelessness, tracking your own learning, and considering practice implications for working with someone experiencing homelessness. For this assignment, you will bring th

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For the past six weeks, you have completed journal entries and engaged in discussion reflecting on the complexities of homelessness, tracking your own learning, and considering practice implications for working with someone experiencing homelessness. For this assignment, you will bring this all together into a formal academic paper. Please reflect on work from the course and consider how you may use what you have learned in social work practice with someone who is homeless.

How will you approach the first intake meeting?
What components would you need to be aware of in your continuing work with that person or family or system?
What practice methods have you gleaned from the literature which you can leverage in your work?
What role do diversity and inclusion play in your work?
What gaps in your own knowledge relating to practice with people who are homeless do you need to continue to work on?

Reference no: EM132069492

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