Define non-medical aesthetic therapies 1.2 Analyse the history and developments of non-medical therapies 1.3 Evaluate current working environments and the role of specialist practitioners: medical and non-medical 1.4 Critically compare the difference between medical and non-medical, surgical and non-surgical treatments

Assignment Task Outcome 1: Understand the developments of non-medical aesthetic therapies. 1.1 Define non-medical aesthetic therapies 1.2 Analyse the history and developments of non-medical therapies 1.3 Evaluate current working environments and the role of specialist practitioners: medical and non-medical 1.4…

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Your vendors have instructed you to advertise their new building as ‘Apartments starting from $200,000’ but the lowest priced one is now sold. They instruct you not to change the signboard so as to attract more enquiries, ev

Assignment Task Introduction This unit specifies the skills and knowledge required to work ethically in real estate. It includes expressing a thorough understanding of ethical standards in real estate. This unit supports real estate professionals in reducing financial and reputational…

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When research collects information from human participants, the participants’ worldview, history, and cultural context will influence the outcome of the study. There is increased recogni

Assignment Task When research collects information from human participants, the participants’ worldview, history, and cultural context will influence the outcome of the study. There is increased recognition that for research to be meaningful in an African context, an Afrocentric paradigm…

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