The sole item of assessment for this module is a 4,000 word written piece, for 100% of the module mark. The assignment casts you as a consultant and you have been approached by Guardvark Ltd., a company that manufactures…
Category: Uncategorized
Modelling Import demand in E-views
Aim The purpose of this test is to give you a chance to demonstrate basic competence in the use of Eviews and to provide you with the opportunity to apply the statistical and econometric concepts and techniques that we…
Analyzing political cartoons.
It is time to practice analyzing political cartoons. Complete the following steps for your assignment: 1. Visit Five Decades of Herblock ( ) on The Washington Post web site. 2. Under Herblock’s Essays, select 1956—1965, and then select 1966—1975. For…
Poem Analysis
Choose three poems from either the second quarter or the first quarter that you have not yet explored, and in a thought-filled essay, provide commentary on the “hard” observations these poems explore about human nature. In…
World Literature
1. In the beginning of Americanah, one of Ifemelu friends states, “She’ll come back and be a serious Americanah…” (65). How is “Americanah” defined within the novel? Does Ifemelu become an Americanah? If so, how? 2. Within…
Ancient Greek Political
Ancient Greek Political Thought, Fall 2020 (pandemic edition) Please respond to each of the three questions below. This is an exam, rather than an essay paper, so each of your responses should be about one page, for a total exam…
Apollo and Dionysos
Ancient Greek Political Thought, Fall 2020 (pandemic edition) Please respond to each of the three questions below. This is an exam, rather than an essay paper, so each of your responses should be about one page, for a total exam…
How do Cuban American
1. How do Cuban American college students’ experiences at PWIs shape their sense of belonging? 2. What factors promote or hinder their development of a sense of belonging? Step 1. Create 3 working assertions/claims (1-2 sentences each) about a pattern…
1. How do Cuban American college students’ experiences at PWIs shape their sense of belonging? 2. What factors promote or hinder their development of a sense of belonging? Step 1. Create 3 working assertions/claims (1-2 sentences each) about a pattern…
Lesson planning
Lesson planning is not just about planning what you want your students to know but also planning for possible situations that might arise and solutions that can be used. Using academic and behavioral data, a teacher must plan for what…