Why: This essay assignment requires you to use the critical thinking standards you learned about in chapters 7 and 8. As such it meets six of the learning objectives for PHR 100 Reasoning: (1) identify and summarize the qualities, attitudes, and goals of the critical thinker; (2) identify, analyze, and evaluate arguments occurring in natural language; (3) demonstrate knowledge of the principles of good reasoning; (4) detect and identify faulty and fallacious reasoning; (5) locate, evaluate, and use effectively information from a variety of relevant sources; (6) produce good arguments, using clear, logical, and concise language, both in speaking and in writing.

What: For this project, you will become an expert debunker. Why: This essay assignment requires you to use the critical thinking standards you learned about in chapters 7 and 8. As such it meets six of the learning objectives for…

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Compare Max Webers theory of inequality to that of Karl Marx. For full credit make sure you discuss all of the following: Webers view of life-chances as based on (a) class, (b) status, and (c) party and compare/contrast to Marx theory of inequality as class conflict based on the relationship between the (d) capitalists (bourgeoisie) and (e) proletariat (working class). Conclude with a statement regarding which theory you think is most relevant to understanding contemporary US society

Instructions: Answer any two (2) of the following essays with as much relevant detail as possible. Each essay should be approximately 1.5 – 2 pages, for a total of 3-4 pages (double-spaced, college standards) Compare Max Webers theory of inequality…

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