Social Change

Chapter 20 deals with the issue of social change. Sociologists tell us that social change is created by a) new technologies and or b) new or shifting ideas or beliefs. Maybe it’s both, but we have to understand it is…

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Holiday Festival

Please share your thoughts about symbols or rituals that we sometimes participate in without even thinking much about them. How are these moments made special through emotions and memories? As I thought about this, I enjoy being around holiday or…

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Leadership and Authority

The topic of great or not so great leaders is the stuff that floods newspapers, best selling book lists, the History Channel, social media, college courses… we talk about it alot. According to the text, authority or leadership comes down…

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Thoughts of Social Stratification

Sociologists talk a lot about wealth, poverty, social class, upward and downward mobility, social status…we are quite fixated on these topics, they are at the core of our discipline to some extent. Prior to this class, how did you view…

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The Amish as both a Religious and Ethnic Minority

Write a 1-page assignment summarizing and giving your reactions to the following article The group has prepared materials relating to the history, beliefs, observances and customs of the Amish, a religious minority based largely in the United States…

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